Exclusive for World Cup 2022: Select 2 different events to form a Mix Parlay.
Oleg Vitrovyj-vs-Tomas Kucera
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mar 17 **:**
Total Match Points - Mas/Menos
mar 17
Oleg Vitrovyj -vs- Tomas Kucera
1.8576.50Más de1.8576.50Menos de
Total Match Points - Impar/Par
mar 17
Oleg Vitrovyj -vs- Tomas Kucera
First Set Point Handicap - Money Line
mar 17
1.60Oleg Vitrovyj2.19Tomas Kucera
First Set Point Handicap - Impar/Par
mar 17
Oleg Vitrovyj -vs- Tomas Kucera
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